Austin Chapter

Austin Chapter

The Austin Chapter is an active group comprised of many blind professionals, students and other individuals living in the state’s capital. The diverse group ranges from teenagers to seniors, who are either attending college, working in the technology industry, in the education sector, the rehabilitation field, and working in many other respectable
places. We welcome all blind individuals from all walks of life including families who have blind children. The Austin Chapter demonstrates that blind people are active participants in the community by sponsorship of various community service-related activities and fundraisers. The chapter gives back to its membership by providing scholarships for first-time convention attendees, contributing to the Harley Fetterman student scholarship,
sponsoring NFB Washington Seminar attendance, and contributing to other events that support a positive philosophy about blindness and advocates for equality for all blind Americans. The Austin Chapter is a welcoming group comprised of individuals that believe in the mission and philosophy of the National Federation of the Blind and fully believes that with love, hope and determination, we as blind people can transform our dreams into reality and live the life we want.

Information about the Austin Chapter can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Beginning August 20, 2022, we will begin holding hybrid meetings at the Austin History Center and via Zoom.

Meeting Location: 
Time: 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month 
Chapter President: Jonathan Franks, (512) 677-7512,

Please note that the chapter's typical schedule will vary in the months of July (when our national organization gathers for its National Convention), November (because of the NFBTX State Convention), and December (when the chapter holds its annual holiday party). We encourage first-time attendees to contact the chapter president to confirm meeting times.

Meetings: Third Saturday of each month

10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m

Jonathan Franks

(512) 677-7512