Who We Are

The National Federation of the Blind is an organization of over 50,000 blind people, striving to promote equal opportunity for the blind. Founded in 1940, the Federation has affiliates in every state, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC.  Dedicated to the complete integration of the blind into society, the Federation works toward the removal of legal, economic, and societal barriers to full participation by blind people in employment, education, recreation, and all other aspects of community life.

About Us

welcome Picture The National Federation of the Blind of Texas provides encouragement and a network of support and promotes an understanding of the real problems of blindness... the attitudes and misconceptions which we and the general public have about blindness. We believe that with training and opportunity the average blind or visually impaired person can lead a perfectly normal life... not just dream about it.

If you are blind or visually impaired you should know about the National Federation of the Blind of Texas. Why? Because the National Federation of the Blind of Texas is an organization of hundreds of people like you working together to promote better services and opportunities in education, rehabilitation, employment, and legislation for blind and visually impaired persons. Together, we are “changing what it means to be blind” and we need your ideas and energy. Through our affiliation with the National Federation of the Blind, the largest organization of blind persons in the country, we have cultivated an effective voice in determining the direction of laws and programs which affect blind and visually impaired persons in Texas and across the nation. Just look at some of our many services and accomplishments and you will agree that working together we will make a difference!

Mission Statement

The National Federation of the Blind, and therefore also the National Federation of the Blind of Texas, has a very simple mission statement that has been in force since our beginning in 1940 and will never change until such time as it and the organization no longer need exist at all.

It is: We are changing what it means to be blind.

Until everyone, blind and sighted alike, understands that blindness need not be a tragedy, until no one uses blindness as an excuse for not trying to succeed or not giving a person a chance, until we all expect blind people to take their place in the community as fully contributing, fully participating members of society, the National Federation of the Blind's mission will be to bring these dreams to reality.

What We Believe


What We Do

  • Protect and promote the rights of blind people
  • Advocate for policies which eliminate discrimination and guarantee equal access to educational programs and high-quality rehabilitation and training services
  • Foster leadership of blind people through participation in our annual convention, organizational responsibilities, and providing opportunities to serve
  • Promote the achievement of blind students through educational scholarships
  • Encourage families and friends to recognize the capabilities of blind people
  • Assist blind people in acquiring the skills of independence
  • Educate the community through public speaking, community activities, and publications

Please join the NFB of Texas and become a part of a highly respected organization known for getting things done.