Lone Star (At-Large) Chapter

Lone Star (At-Large) Chapter

The Lone Star (At-Large) Chapter connects members of our blind community who want to participate in Federation activities but who live in rural parts of the state. Our members are an integral part of the Federation family in Texas, and we encourage all our members to engage in community outreach in their hometowns. 

Lone Star Chapter members promote our NFB-Newsline program, talk to local students about both the state and national scholarship programs, engage in educational seminars, and much more.

Lone Star Chapter members meet in person during the National Federation of the Blind of Texas convention, and many of our members also meet during our national convention.

The Lone Star Chapter meets each month via the Zoom platform. For the security of our meetings, we don't post login information online. To receive login information, please contact our president, Lara Sowell. 

Meetings: Second Saturday of each month.

10:00 AM

Lara Sowell

