Click here to download the 2020 NFB of Texas State Convention agenda.
The file below contains a list of this year's exhibitors. The file contains information about how to login to visit their virtual booths. Our hours are from 10 AM to 5 PM on Friday, November 6 and from 3-5 PM on Saturday, November 7. Vendors will also participate in the exhibitor showcase on Saturday afternoon. Please, check for the appropriate links on the agenda.
2020 Exhibits
10:00-11:00 AM – Zoom: How to Make the Best Impression & Why That's Important
Liz Wisecarver, NFB-NEWSLINE TEXAS Coordinator
Raul Gallegos, Owner, RGA Tech Solutions
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11:00 AM-Noon – A Conversation with TWC
Ed Serna, Executive Director, Texas Workforce Commission
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Mr. Serna will participate in an interview-style conversation with President Norma Crosby. Other senior-level staff may also participate in the interview.
1:00-4:00 PM – Silver Bells Senior Training
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Join NFB-NEWSLINE TEXAS staff and volunteers for a seminar designed to help blind seniors in their effort to become more independent. While the event is intended primarily for seniors, everyone is welcome.
2:00-4:00 PM – Randolph-Sheppard: A Primer
Nicky Gacos, President, National Association of Blind Merchants
Ed Birmingham, National Association of Blind Merchants
Michael Colburn, National Association of Blind Merchants
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A seminar for current and future participants in the Business Enterprises of Texas program. This seminar is being hosted by the National Federation of the Blind of Texas and the Texas Association of Blind Merchants and presented by the National Association of Blind Merchants.
4:00-5:00 PM – TXAGDU Business Meeting
Elizabeth Campbell, President, Texas Association of Guide Dog Users
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You don’t have to be a TXAGDU member to attend this meeting. Everyone with an interest in getting involved is welcome.
6:00-7:00 PM - Board of Directors Meeting
This meeting is open to everyone. Please, join us.
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7:00-8:00 PM – Resolutions Committee
Glenn Crosby, Chairperson
Join 281 824 4045
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People who call in on a landline may be asked for a passcode. If so, use 2020.
7:00-11:00 PM – Texas Association of Blind Students
Salvador Villa, President
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7:00-9:00 PM – Business Meeting
9:00-11:00 PM – Online Game Night!
7:30-9:00 PM – Texas Parents of Blind Children
Michelle Murrey, President
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9:00 AM – Call To Order
9:05 AM - Invocation
9:10 AM – Welcome
Janette Garza, President
National Federation of the Blind of Texas Coastal Bend Chapter
9:20 AM - 2020 Scholarship Program
Lara Sowell, Chairperson
National Federation of the Blind of Texas Scholarship Committee
9:30 AM – Continuing the Struggle for Independence: Our National Report
Terri Rupp, President, National Federation of the Blind of Nevada and Board Member, National Federation of the Blind
10:00 AM – Methods for The Blind to Electronically Read and Write Mathematics from Primary School Through College
Neil Soiffer, Ph.D., Owner
Talking Cat Software
10:20 AM – Skills Training: The First Step Toward Independence
A panel discussion led by Gabe Cazares, Director, Houston Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
Salvador Villa, President, Texas Association of Blind Students
Terri Rupp, Board Member, National Federation of the Blind
Yolanda Harris, Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Texas Lone Star Chapter
10:45 AM - The Trainers: Structured Discovery Makes the Difference
A panel led by Liz Wisecarver, Coordinator for NFB-NEWSLINE TEXAS, and NOMC.
Yadiel Sotomayor, Cane Travel Instructor, BLIND, INC.
Brett Boyer, Access Technology Instructor, Colorado Center for the Blind
David Nietfeld, Woodshop and Home Maintenance Instructor, Colorado Center for the Blind
11:05 AM – Making the Choice for Independence
Blind Americans have the right to choose where they receive training in the use of nonvisual skills. Two of the most highly regarded centers in the country are here to tell you the benefits of choosing them.
Rachel Kuntz, Resource Development Coordinator, BLIND, INC.
Julie Deden, Executive Director, Colorado Center for the Blind
11:30 -- Working During a Pandemic
A panel led by Kimberly Aguillard, Ph.D., 2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Texas
Tamer Zaid, Customer Service Representative, Apple
Emeline Lakrout, Unilever Future Leaders Program, Assistant Brand Manager
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1:30 PM - TWC: Helping Blind Texans In Their Quest for Independence
Ed Serna, Executive Director, Texas Workforce Commission
1:45 PM - TSBVI: Turning Blind Children Into Independent Adults
Emily Coleman, Superintendent, Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired
2:00 PM - How Learning To Be Blind Took Me From Doubt To The Doors of Harvard Law
Syed Rizvi, Student, Harvard Law
2:25 PM Presidential Report
Norma Crosby, President, National Federation of the Blind of Texas
2:55 PM Adjourn
The following sessions are open to everyone, and we encourage you to participate in more than one session if you wish. Each session will focus on some aspect of becoming more independent. After the breakout sessions, take a break before joining us for this evening’s banquet. If it is safe where you are, feel free to join friends for a drink, a good meal, and the highlight of our convention. We are so glad you are with us. If you have questions following these sessions, we will be happy to help. You can always call our office at 281-968-7733. Or, send a note to our president at ncrosby@nfbtx.org. Our office is open from 9 AM to 5 PM, weekdays
3:00-4:00 PM - 2021 Legislative Agenda for Blind Texans: A Seminar
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Gabe Cazares and Liz Wisecarver co-chair our affiliate’s Legislative Committee, and they will talk to you about our plans for the upcoming legislative session. They’ll be able to give you information about the legislation we hope to pass during this session, and they’ll begin to gather information about who we can contact in regard to your chapter’s engagement on these issues. Each chapter should send representatives to this meeting, but attendance is not limited to just a chapter representative. Anyone who is interested in legislative issues is welcome to attend.
3:00-5:00 PM - Diversity Means Including the DeafBlind
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This session will focus on how to include deafblind members and potential members in local chapter meetings and other Federation activities. Join Trae Shaw, DeafBlind & Low Vision Supervisor for the Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center, and Marsha Drenth, Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind’s DeafBlind Division for a powerful discussion about including this under-represented population in all that we do.
3:00-5:00 PM - Reaching for Independence: Learning How to Be Blind
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Yolanda Shaw became blind when she was a teenager. She didn’t allow that to stop her from enjoying life. She took on the challenge of learning how to function as an independent blind person, and in the process, she became a highly regarded professional in the field of work with the blind. Today, she serves as a family engagement specialist at the Texas School for the Blind & Visually impaired, but she also has ten years of experience in the field of rehabilitation. She understands what you are going through if you are newly blind or if you just need to refresh your blindness skills. She knows how the rehabilitation system works, and she is here to share her insights with you. Come and learn how to start on the road to independence or to continue on that road. Ask questions. Youlanda and the colleagues she has enlisted to help will offer the guidance you need to become successful.
3:00-5:00 PM - Can I Pin All My Hopes On Technology?
Join 979 583 6343
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This session will focus on low-tech ways of achieving independence. While our session leader, Raul Gallegos, is a high-tech guy he and the team he has assembled for this breakout understand that there are times when technology is not the best way to complete a task They also know that there are times when technology doesn’t work. So, having alternatives or a backup plan can be crucial to success. Join Raul and his team as they offer you information about those alternatives.
3:00-5:00 PM – A Seminar For Spanish Speakers
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This seminar for our members who prefer to speak Spanish is intended to discuss topics that will lead to greater independence for the LatinX community. Join Jose Marquez, First Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas and the entire diversity and inclusion team as they encourage greater participation among our fastest growing population.
3:00-5:00 PM – Exhibitor Showcase
Join 281 824 4045
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People who call in on a landline may be asked for a passcode. If so, use 2020.
Join Vispero, OrCam, Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Way Around, and the Texas Talking Book Program as they bring you up-to-date information about their latest products and services. During this two-hour session, you will have an opportunity to ask questions and gather information you might need to share with your employer or rehabilitation professional. Everyone is welcome.
4:00-4:30 PM – Q&A About Electronic Math with Dr. Soiffer
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+13462487799,, 83149617704#
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Dr. Soiffer was a presenter during our morning session, and he has agreed to take a few minutes to answer questions that students, their families, teachers, or professionals may have about his presentation. Please, join him for a discussion of this important accessibility topic.
6:15-8:00 PM - BANQUET
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Jose Marquez, First Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas will serve as Master of Ceremonies. The keynote address will be delivered by our national representative, Terri Rupp. Terri serves as president of the National Federation of the Blind of Nevada and is also a member of our national board. She is a mom, an athlete, and an all-around great person. You won’t want to miss her address, and of course, you will want to stick around for the scholarship awards and other surprises.
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9:00 AM – Call to Order
9:05 AM – Invocation
9:10 AM – Elections
9:30-9:45 AM - Growing Into Independence: How a Mentor Can Help
Emily Gibbs, Director of Youth & Education Services (YES), National Federation of the Blind of Texas
9:50-10:00 AM – Protecting Blind Parents and Voters: The 2021 Legislative Agenda
Gabe Cazares, Co-Chair, National Federation of the Blind of Texas Legislative Committee
10:00-10:15 AM – NFB-NEWSLINE® TEXAS: An Update
Liz Wisecarver, Coordinator, NFB-NEWSLINE TEXAS
10:15-10:25 AM – Secretary’s Report
Louis Maher
10:25-10:35 AM – Treasurer’s Report
Lara Sowell, Treasurer
10:35-10:50 AM - Resolutions
Glenn Crosby, Chairperson, National Federation of the Blind of Texas Resolutions Committee
10:55-11:15 AM – Chapter Reports
11:15-11:30 AM – Convention Wrap Up
11:30 AM - Adjourn
The following exhibitors are participating in the 2020 convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas. We thank all of them for joining us.
Company Contact: Lena Lee
Texas State Library – Talking Book Program
Agency Contact: Jaclyn Owusu
Vanda Pharmaceuticals
Company Contact: Shauna Jatho
Company Contact: Pauline Damery