NFB Texas 2020 State Convention to take place online

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NFB Texas 2020 State Convention to take place online

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The 2020 NFB of Texas State Convention, which was originally scheduled to be held in Corpus Christi on the weekend of November 6-8, will now take place online during the same weekend.

This year's theme is, "High Expectations: Setting Sail Toward the Future". Every session will be designed to raise our expectations for ourselves and other blind Texans. We'll be talking about issues that may include:

  • I'm New to Blindness. How do I Adjust? What Should I Expect?
  • Setting Goals Leads to High Expectations and Success
  • What Should I Be When I Grow Up?
  • I Have a Rehabilitation Counselor. What Should I Expect from Them?
  • Navigating the Rehabilitation Process From A to Z.
  • I Finished College. Am I Really Ready For Work?
  • Can I Pin All My Hopes on Access Technology?
  • Freedom for the Blind: What Does That Mean?
  • Diversity & Inclusion Includes Other Disabilities Too.

More information will be forthcoming.