Texas Governor's Committee on Disability Presentation: The Importance of Braille

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Texas Governor's Committee on Disability Presentation: The Importance of Braille

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This session will cover the importance of early Braille intervention services and how having this skill leads to higher student literacy. In addition, we will cover the results of a study on Braille in employment, resources for people who become blind later in life, and Braille in Spanish resources.

Norma Crosby, Emily Gibbs, and Daniel Martinez

Session Length:
1 1/4 hours including Q and A

Real time captioning and sign language interpreters will be provided for this session. ZOOM is accessible for users of assistive technology. If you need other accommodations or have questions, email zoom-gcpd@gov.texas.gov or call 512-463-5739.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bwAu51d0Qn-OpK3oBpbSRA